Cultural activities to be conducted in Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya,

Cultural Activity
Education is a broad concept that surpasses the four walls of classroom. The core aim
of education is to foster all round development of the student. To fulfill this objective,
there should be an equal emphasis on syllabus, curriculum, books and co-curricular
activities in general and cultural in particular. Cultural activities support overall development of the student through involvement.
AChines proverb aptly states. "Teach me and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember. Involve me and I will never forget"Cultural activities prepare students for real life and strengthening their personal skills.
It not only help students to develop themselves in desired field but also improve skills such as organizational. Presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication.
As cultural activities are of paramount importance, Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya encourages all extra-curricular activities that are both in line with the educational objectives of the institution and meet the needs of the students. Culture can be defined as the arts as well as the intangible shared beliefs, values, and practices of a community.
Through these activities, students participate in arts and culture at varying levels of skill and engagement. Some students create, while others listen to, watch, teach, critique, or learn a cultural activity, art form, or expression.
The field, as a whole, can be represented within a framework that has four main aspects : degree of professionalism, type of activity, locations and spaces, and level of participation and involvement The cultural activities conducted in the college will spread over throughout the year through different activities and events.
- 1. To make students capable of producing creative ideas and to make them Culturally Literate, confident and knowledgeable person. evelop understanding of other cultures.
- 2. To impart skills like self discipline, effective communication and team spirit.
- 3. To widen horizons and add another dimension to their life.
- 4. To develop their understanding about visual and audio visual arts.
- 5. To develop new approaches to solve personal and social problems.
- 6. To develop understanding of other cultures.
- Event-Youth Festival Youth Festival conducted by Dr.B.A.M.U. is a major cultural platform for the students. We intend to participate in the following events : Shobhayatra One act play 27 Annexure 4 - Cultural skit Mime Folk dance Folk song Light vocal singing Group song Lavni Bharud Powada Elocution Debate Rangoli Spot photography Painting Murals Poetry Reading (other art forms included by the university from time to time.) Event - Annual Gathering Annual gathering is another event that enabled the students express themselves. The following Cultural Events will be conducted :- One act play Geet bahar Nritya zankar Maharashtrachi Lokdhara Fish Pond
- 6. To develop understanding of other cultures.
Dept. of Dramatics, Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad
Dept.of Dramatics, S.B.Arts and Commerce College, Aurangabad
Dept.of Music, S.B.Arts and Commerce College, Aurangabad
Dept. of Folk Arts, University of Mumbai
Lalit kala kendra, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Objectives :
Event-Youth Festival
Event :-
Event :- Presentations of Street plays and other presentations made on different
Social events and in N.S.S. camp
Participation in local level competitions.
Organizing visits and practical sessions of the experts.
Mou's and Linkages
For training and proper guidance purpose linkages will be established through
Mou's with the esteemed institutions like:-It will be a great source of practical knowledge to the aspiring students.
The resource persons will conduct workshops and sessions if required.